Sunday 12 January 2020

Winter guide to protecting your tape hair extensions

Winter poses a lot of challenges for natural hair. From harsh winter winds outdoors to rapid temperature changes, it is a season that is extremely unfriendly to hair. Since Louise Bailey’s extensions are made of virgin human hair, they also need a little love and attention to stay safe during the winter. Even though my extension products are very durable and long-lasting, they do require a bit of care every now and then, especially if you wish to use them for a long time. So, I have outlined a winter care guide for tape or any type of extensions that you have.

Use sulfate-free hair care products
Caustic drying ingredients and chemicals like, lather-creating sulphates typically found in shampoos and conditioners strip the hair’s natural oils and damage the cuticle layer. As your extensions will not get a top up of natural oils from the scalp as your natural hair, it is important that you take steps to protect them. This is why you should only make use of sulphate-free hair care products when washing your extensions. If you need help deciding the products that you should get, contact me.

Make it a habit to brush your extensions
Previously, shedding, matting and tangling were some of the biggest challenges with extensions. With out hair extensions we can guarantee that matting and shedding is the least of your concerns. Unfortunately, tangling is still an issue that gets aggravated during the cold months. You can take care of tangling through gentle brushing. However, ensure not to use plastic or. metal bristly brushes as that can damage the extensions. Also, be gentle and always brush from the roots to the tip. I recommend a good natural bustle brush to set angle your locks.

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What are the top advantages of getting extensions?

If you are unhappy with your hair, you can get expert hair extensions in London. Extensions are a quick fix to hair problems. Below given are a few benefits of getting extensions that will help you in taking the plunge.

Extensions can make your frizzy, damaged hair look beautiful and healthy. It can help your natural hair grow whilst the extensions protect them from pollution and other types of damage. So, your hair can take a break from the daily wear and tear.

With expert hair extensions in London, you can have long hair that you have always dreamed of. You will be able to try out as many hairstyles as you want. Your hair will be wavy, bouncy and shiny.

You do not have to wait for months to grow your hair. You cut your hair as short as you want and be able to sport a long hairstyle by using extensions. Haircut regret will be a thing of the past and you can choose the length of hair as you want.

Colouring your hair will not be a problem. When you are wearing extensions, you do not have to worry about damage caused to the hair due to colouring. You can dye, bleach and colour your hair whenever you want. You can sport different colours without causing any damage to your real hair.

If your hair is very fine, you can add volume by getting extensions. Your hair will become voluminous and allow you to mimic the hairstyles of your favourite celebrities.

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Friday 10 January 2020

Top Reasons to Wear Hair Extensions

Are you thinking of getting hair extensions, but not sure if it is worth the plunge? Below given are a few reasons why investing in extensions is worth it. Take a look.

Get your desired length
Some want short hair whilst others want medium. There are also those who love Rapunzel-type hair. The problem is that hair grows at its own pace. So, if you have cut your hair to sport a short hair look, you cannot expect your hair to grow till your knees in a month. For that, you need extensions. With hair extensions in London salon, your hair can be of any length that you desire. So, whether you regret cutting your hair or your hair does not grow after a certain point, extensions can fix those problems for you.

hairextensions in London salon

Colour the extensions as many times as you want
There are risks when it comes to colouring your natural hair. Your hair might become dull, dry or frizzy. The chemicals present in hair colour can damage the quality of your hair. But, if you get hairextensions in London salon, you can colour the strands as many times as you want. Your natural hair stays protected whilst you get to sport the latest hair colour trend. You can even bleach and dye the extensions
To get voluminous, bouncy hair
Do you suffer from thin hair or hair loss? If so, it might lower your confidence. You can use extensions to get back the volume that you desire. You can apply tape-ins or clip-ins to make your hair voluminous. You can have your hair from thin to thick in no time.

So, if you are looking to wow everybody at the upcoming party, get hair extensions from London salon. The extensions will give your hair the needed volume, length and bounce. Your natural hair will be protected against the weather elements and you can experiment with as many hairstyles as you want. All you have to do is find a good hair extension professional and get the extension that suits your needs.