Thursday 22 March 2018

The Right Hair Extension Specialists

London is full of hair dressers who are now applying hair extension but how do you pick the right hair extension specialist to fit your hair extensions.

I would always say that you need to look for someone who is just doing hair extensions as they will have done a lot more hours of application than a hair dresser doing colour and cuts all day. Hair extensions when applied badly can cause so much damage to the natural hair. One wrongly applied tape or none can cause a bald path on the scalp and this trauma to the hair follicle can take around 3 months to even start growing again.

Neural hair generally takes around 1 month to grow half inch in so in reality that’s only 6 inches in one year. Six inches is from the top of the head down to the chin level most people having hair extensions will have hair at least touching the top of their shoulder which is around 12 inches. So, if a lot of damage was to occur form bad application if your hair is only reaching your shoulders it will take around two years to recover. If the hair is down by the bra strap then you are looking at four years to recover. Therefore, you need to be very careful when having any type of extensions especially tapes as they are attached to bigger sections of the natural hair than single bond. As a hair extension specialist, I have seen 100s of hair extension disasters and that’s due to bad teaching. The hair extension industry is worth around 6 million in the UK and it is no surprise that many people are trying to train as hair extension technicians in the UK. This has led to many companies offering courses that are not worth anything.

Companies are teaching people who are not even hair dressers and putting on a 2-hour course and showing students the 4 methods of attachments when they are not even a hair dresser in four hours. This is impossible in this short time. These people have never ever even touched someone hair or have any experience with the scalp, the hair or how to cut hair. 

These companies are destroying the industry as people are out there applying hair extensions with improper training.

For a hair extensionist to be a good one they really need to be a qualified hair dresser, this way they know about scalp conditions and know about the hair in general. Also, to be an expert you need to be able to cut the hair extensions after you have fitted them.

To make sure you are in the best hands, check your chosen person is a hair dresser or has been one at some point and look at the course they have done. Good courses will only train people who have a hair dressing qualification.

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